Interpretive Signs and Panels
by David Arthur Signs

Camp Hohn Nature Trail

Gravois Mills, Missouri
Boy Scouts
Tree Identification Signs

Nature Trail Tree Identification Signs.

Camp Hohn

Camp Hohn

Camp Hohn

Camp Hohn

Camp Hohn

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This website has been developed by The Pee Dee Resource Conservation and Development Council - Darlington, SC

Images used in producing the "Tree ID" signs placed along the trail and depicted on this page came from several sources and are all copyrighted.
We have used copyrighted images with permission from the owners at:

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Dendrology ,

Auburn University - Dendrology, photographer Mike Hogan,

Other images were produced by the Pee Dee Resource Conservation and Development Council

David Arthur Signs and Interpretive Panels:

Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Pee Dee Resource Conservation and Development Council.

This page was last updated on April 19, 2006